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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Ryder Windham
Ryder Windham was a comic book editor for Dark Horse Comics and has written more than fifty books for the Star Wars franchise.
He is an instructor for Comic and Sequential Art at Rhode Island School of Design Continuing Education. Ryder and his
family live in Providence, Rhode Island.
Average Review Score: 2.4 out of 5 (5 books)
Star Wars: Episode I Adventures - Search For The Lost Jedi
The first of a series of books for younger readers set just before 'The Phantom Menace'. I want to say straight
from the off that this book wasn't what I was expecting or hoping for and Mr Windham shouldn't be held accountable for my
expectations. I thought this would be a book in the same vein as Jude Watson's Jedi Apprentice books, but it's not.
It starts off like them, but a short way in the story stops and offers you the chance of continuing using the companion Gamebook.
Now, I don't own the Gamebook, so I just read on. Unfortunately this meant that I was left with that feeling you get
when you nod off for ten minutes whilst watching a movie. The majority of the story is fairly standard Jedi vs Droids
fare (because carving up people with a lightsaber isn't suitable for the kiddies). It then ends very abruptly,
resolving none of the issues raised earlier in the book. This is, of course, because this is just the first installment
in a series meant to be read as one. However, although I can understand that the ending and the Gamebook interlude were
part of how the series was intended, they do mean that on it's own this book isn't enjoyable.
1 out of 5
Star Wars: Episode I Adventures - The Bartokk Assassins
The second book of this series aimed at younger readers. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon have to pursue and battle a group
of insectoid assassins in order to recover a cargo of stolen starfighters. Overall, this is a much better book than
the previous one; the Gamebook interlude wasn't nearly as intrusive or confusing and, whilst not complete, the story
does get a certain degree of closure at the end. Ultimately though, all that goes on in the book is Obi-Wan fights some
Bartokks, flies a starfighter for a bit and then fights some more Bartokks. There's just not any depth to the book which
is something that I think authors sometimes lean towards for younger readers, forgetting that young people can handle fiction
as intricate as Harry Potter or His Dark Materials.
2 out of 5
Star Wars: Episode I Adventures - The Fury Of Darth Maul
The third book of this series. I think it's quite telling that, where the previous two books took me a couple of
days to get through (mostly due to lack of interest), I sat down and read this one cover to cover. Gone are the poor
Lucas-esque jokes of the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan dynamic. Gone is the friendly Jedi approach to investigation. Instead
we get exactly what we were promised on the cover; the fury of Darth Maul. The agents of the dark side always make for
great characters and Maul is among the most physically dynamic and ruthless, making for an exciting and edgy addition to the
series. I was actually deeply surprised by the jump in quality between the last book and this one (and keep your eyes
peeled for a character from the 'Droids' comics!).
4 out of 5
Star Wars: Episode I Adventures - Jedi Emergency
The fourth book of the series sees a Jedi team, led by Yoda, attempting to secure a Force-sensitive girl on Corulag.
It's pretty much more of the same, as the Jedi once again battle the irritating Bartokks. However, we are treated to
seeing Yoda in action, which is doubly interesting when you consider that this book was written before his spritely lightsaber
antics in Episode II. Overall this book is a little better than the first two, but not by much.
3 out of 5
Star Wars: Droids - Rebellion
(Graphic Novel with art by Ian Gibson)
C-3PO, R2-D2 and the heroic security droid Unit Zed chase the criminal Olag Greck to Nar Shaddaa, the Smuggler's Moon.
It sounds exciting, but sadly it's all downhill from there. Zed is quickly done away with (actually, I was a bit shocked
by how brutally this was done - I liked Zed!) and then Artoo and Threepio become embroiled in the bewildering plans of
Movo Brattakin. I've read the book three times now and I've still failed to grasp the logic of using a computer virus
to turn Threepio into a droid revolutionary. The Droids stories in general aren't much cop, lacking that essential Star
Warsness, but this one in particular is pretty boring and unremarkable. It does have two redeeming features, the first
of which is Nar Shaddaa itself. The Smuggler's Moon is one of my favourite Star Wars locations, so it's always good
to see it from a different perspective. The other good thing is the humour in this story. It's not as funny as
it seems to think it is, but there are some genuinely amusing moments, such as the droid threatening to vapourise Artoo and
Threepio with the device in it's hand before going back to vacuuming the floor with it or Threepio's encounter with a surly
fifth-degree droid. If you can pick it up cheap, it's good for completeness (or if you're one of those weirdos who actually
enjoy the droids' antics), but generally speaking, I wouldn't bother.
2 out of 5
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