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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Tom Veitch
When Timothy Zahn revitalised the Star Wars novel franchise, Tom Veitch was called upon to do the same for Star
Wars comics. (I bloody wish they'd put writer's bios in these graphic novels!).
Average Review Score: 4.5 out of 5 (4 books)
Star Wars: Tales Of The Jedi - The Collection + The Freedon Nadd Uprising
(Graphic Novel with art by Chris Gossett, Mike Barreiro, Janine Johnston, David Roach, Tony Akins and Denis Rodier)
The first book of the Tales of the Jedi series (albeit not chronologically), set four millennia before Episode IV.
You'll be lucky to get hold of this particular edition of the book but it's worth going to the trouble of finding because
the newer edition doesn't actually contain 'The Freedon Nadd Uprising' (which is impossible to find separately too).
The three stories here are excellent Star Wars adventures, perfectly capturing the spirit of the saga. The first two
stories introduce two Jedi Knights, the talented but impulsive Ulic Qel-Droma and the troubled Nomi Sunrider. The third
story tells of how these two heroes fight alongside other Jedi to defeat an army of dark side servants. This is essential
reading for Expanded Universe fans and a nice bit of background for people who've played 'KOTOR II: The Sith Lords' and want
to know more about Onderon and Dxun.
5 out of 5
Star Wars: Dark Empire
(Graphic Novel with art by Cam Kennedy)
Set six years after 'Return Of The Jedi', this is by far the best and most influencial graphic novel in the Star Wars
saga. The New Republic is once again sent fleeing from the Empire when Emperor Palpatine is reborn in a clone body and
decides to reclaim what he has lost. Attempting to defeat the dark side from within, Luke finally becomes the Emperor's
apprentice, but finds himself unable to resist the dark side. Meanwhile Han, Leia and their friends attempt to save
Mon Calamari from the latest Imperial superweapon; the near-invincible World Devastators. And it's only fair to mention
that Boba Fett makes his comeback here! This book truly earns the 'novel' part of graphic novel, being as complete and
epic a story as any book in the franchise. Kennedy's art will probably feel a bit uncomfortable at first, but once you
realise he's focused on tone rather than detail, you'll appreciate it much more (his depictions of the Emperor are spot on).
If you want to get into Star Wars comics, this is where you start.
5 out of 5
Star Wars: Dark Empire II
(Graphic Novel with art by Cam Kennedy)
Following on directly from 'Dark Empire', the Emperor is reborn once more, unleashing his Dark Jedi and his new superweapon
(the daftly named Galaxy Gun) upon the New Republic. In response, the Star Wars heroes attempt to rebuild the Jedi Order
by gathering the scattered survivors of the Jedi Purge. This book is another great read, but will always be a shadow
when compared with it's predecessor. Also, to actually find out how the story is resolved, you'll have to get your hands
on the near-impossible-to-find 'Empire's End'.
4 out of 5
Star Wars: Empire's End
(Graphic Novel with art by Jim Baikie)
The conclusion to the story from 'Dark Empire II' sees the ailing Emperor Palpatine plotting to impose his spirit into
the body of Han and Leia's new son, Anakin Solo. Luke and his newly gathered cadre of Jedi decide to take the fight
to the Empire, storming the fortress of the Dark Jedi and then rushing to confront Palpatine himself. This is a very
enjoyable little read and Baikie's art manages to continue the tone set previously by Cam Kennedy. However, this book
is very hard to find and may well cost a fair bit because of that, so bear in mind that it is only a compendium of two comics
and therefore isn't much for the money. Still, if you've read the previous two books, you've got to find out how it
ends I guess.
4 out of 5
If you liked Veitch:
Then you might enjoy the other Tales of the Jedi books cowritten with or wholly written by Kevin J. Anderson.
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