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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Paul Collins
Paul Collins was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He began freelancing in the film business in 1994 and had his
first book, 'Prescience Rendezvous', published in 2003. Mr. Collins was kind enough to contact me directly
in regards to this website.
Average Review Score: 1.5 out of 5
King Without An Empire
The author generously sent me a free review copy of this book all the way across the Atlantic. I'm therefore saddened
and feel a little guilty to say that I absolutely hated it. There seems to be three or four separate stories going
on simultaneously in this book, with the author switching between them seemingly at random, although they all feature
the media mogul Michael Bassett. In one Bassett, troubled by the death of his girlfriend, decides to fund an expedition
to Alpha Centauri. In another a mysterious race of callous but physcially perfect beings run a totalitarian
regime which is disrupted by Nazi scientists fleeing the loss of WWII. Yet another has Bassett exploring strange
planes of consciousness using hallucinagenic drugs and a device called the Star Chamber. There is also another in which
a liquid-based alien attempts to make telepathic contact with Bassett. Individually these stories may well have
made for fascinating reads, but together they become confused and confusing, giving the book a fractured story structure.
As someone who enjoys a strong narrative flow, I found this very difficult. I really liked some of the ideas Collins
introduces, particularly the concept of the liquid alien who is actually an autonomous organ of a life-form that covers an
entire ocean planet. However, just when an idea would get me intrigued, Collins takes the book off in
a completely unrelated tangent. A couple of other things that I found irritating were the constant repetition,
the self-contradiction (for example, at one point Bassett's girlfriend is described as 'good-looking' and then in the
next paragraph; 'She was no beauty, but was average looking') and the way in which the author gives a page-long biography
of each character introduced, as soon as they're introduced. This latter means that of the important characters there
is little to be discovered later on and of the unimportant characters there is far more information than is needed
to move the story along. All these factors combined to make this one of the least enjoyable books I've ever read.
However, whilst reading it I looked at other online reviews and they were largely quite positive, so I wonder if there was
just something I was missing that these other reviewers saw.
1 out of 5
'"Kitsch sells!" Brad exclaimed.'
Mystery Of Everyman's Way
Once again, the author was kind enough to send me a review copy of his book, for which I am very grateful. This
book revolves around Gregory Henry Case an American physicist working at Oxford University. Straight away we see a maturation
of the author's skills since 'King Without An Empire' as Case's character is slowly built up in the first few chapters, creating
a strong and believable protagonist. A man too introverted to maintain a connection to other people, Case's world is
turned upside down when he discovers his own aged body from the future. He soon finds himself in Everyman's Way, a sort
of psuedo-fantastical interstellar community, and becomes involved in the royal politics therein. As I say, this book
is a clear step up from the previous one, but once again, I just didn't enjoy it much. I believe the fact I didn't enjoy
it stems from the dual facts that mend-bending explorations of other planes of consciousness aren't really my thing and the
fact that at times I simply didn't have a bloody clue what was going on. Whilst the prose is far more structured than
'King Without An Empire', the author still has a tendency to make confusing leaps in both plotline and logic. The book
also isn't the easiest flowing one either, seeing as how it took me an entire month to read it's 218 pages.
2 out of 5
'The clouds opened up over London hours ago.'
- - - Author's Comments - - -
I must thank you so much for reviewing my book 'King without an Empire.' You did such a great job on reviewing it. You were straight forward,
honest, and professional. I know my editor did a terrible job, but to get such honest feedback for my work is a great
reward. I don't know any great editors and don't have the money to pay them, but I do know how to write a paperback,
which is an irony. Please tell the reviewer, I am presently rewriting a revision of another manuscript and
am working with a small press that I found on www.ralan.com . I have learned from my mistakes and these editors are now helping me in better crafting another manuscript.
If it ever does make it to print, I am plan on sending it to you first and foremost. I really am so grateful
and honored that you allowed my work to be critiqued on your site. Thanks so much!
Paul Collins
author of
King without an Empire
If you liked Collins:
Then Philip K. Dick also, famously, played with the concepts of reality, drugs and science fiction.
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