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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Matthew Stover
Matthew Woodring Stover lives in Chicago with artist and writer Robyn Fielder. He is a student of the Degerberg
Blend (apparently), a form of jeet kune do comprised of approximately twenty five martial arts from around the world.
Average Review Score: 4.3 out of 5 (3 books)
Star Wars: Shatterpoint
The first novel of the Clone Wars series, set six months after 'Attack Of The Clones'. This book features one of
the most popular characters introduced in the Star Wars prequels, Jedi Master Mace Windu (aka Samuel L. Jackson) as he returns
to his jungle homeworld in search of his former apprentice Depa Billaba. Stover focuses on the main character, rather
than the events and as such, we get a deep insight into Mace as he is faced with the possibilty that everything he believes
about the Jedi path is wrong. I really enjoyed the book when Mace was sticking to his guns and refusing to play by anyone
else's rules. Sadly, the character's implacability suffers when suddenly his will breaks and he starts doubting everything.
Although this allows the character to consider his life in-depth, it just really didn't fit with Mace's established character.
The writing in general is very good, brilliantly conveying this 'dirty' war in which right and wrong are unclear. However,
the book has two major flaws, the first being that the story is based on the novel 'Heart Of Darkness' which was later
rewritten and made into the film 'Apocalypse Now'. This copying of a previous plot leads me to the other flaw, the story
cloning is pretty much all this book does to earn it's 'A Clone Wars Novel' subtitle.
4 out of 5
'In my dreams, I always do it right.'
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith
The novelisation of George Lucas' final Star Wars film. The story opens on the massive Battle of Coruscant, where,
in the darkest hour of the Clone Wars, Count Dooku and General Grievous have captured the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic.
As the Clone Wars continue unabated, tensions grow between Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi Council, with Anakin Skywalker
stuck in between. Finally Palpatine reveals the truth about himself, he is the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, and leads Skywalker
down the path that will culminate in the creation of Darth Vader. George Lucas' overall story is much improved over
the first two prequels and the dialogue is far less awkward and corny. To this strong foundation, Stover adds what he
does best; deep insights into the minds of the characters. As each major character (even those we know well) is
introduced in the story, Stover pauses to give a detailed summary of that character's history, feelings and goals, making
them far more accessible to the reader. This insight continues throughout the story, explaining Anakin's internal conflict
over his loyalties to the Jedi, to Palpatine and to Padme. There's also a great bit where Obi-Wan's character is broken
down and it is explained that simplicity is his greatest asset and, in fact, he is a master of it. The tension builds
brilliantly througout the book, although Anakin's sheer stupidity makes for frustrating reading. Then, suddenly, all
Hell breaks loose. Anakin becomes Darth Vader (without the mask and armour at this point) and in a tragic sequence,
leads Clone Troopers into the Jedi Temple to kill the Younglings. Elsewhere, the Clones turn on Jedi all across the
galaxy. The story becomes so dark that at times it makes for uncomfortable reading; which is exactly as it should be.
I was a bit disappointed by certain elements that will be in the film but didn't appear here, particularly the Wookiees
(including Chewie) fighting on Kashyyyk. There are no other real downsides to the book except the creeping fear
that Lucas' film might not actually be as good (there's a scene where Dooku scorns the silly way Anakin and Obi-Wan
lead droids in and out of turbolifts, seeming to express Stover's own feelings about some awful element of 'comic relief'
that will be in the film). Sadly, Jar Jar Binks does make an appearance, but thankfully just sits still and doesn't
5 out of 5
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Traitor
The thirteenth NJO novel and Stover's first foray in the Star Wars universe. His writing talent lies in his focus
on a main character, making other characters and events secondary. The character in question here is Jacen Solo, who
fell into the hands of the brutal Yuuzhan Vong at the end of 'Star By Star' by Troy Denning. Jacen encounters the mysterious
Vergere, who becomes both his teacher and his torturer, believing that no lesson of worth is bought without pain. The
book is Jacen's journey of self-discovery as Vergere and the Vong force him to confront painful truths and overwhelming challenges.
I've never liked imprisonment storylines, so I didn't start getting into this book until Jacen starts to turn the tables,
subverting the Vong's Worldbrain and (in a scene reminiscent of Leto II and the sandtrout in 'Children Of Dune') convincing
a swarm of amphistaffs to bond to him like armour. Later in the book there is also the best-written death scene of any
in the Star Wars franchise as Ganner Rhysode (whose character has come on in leaps and bounds since Michael A. Stackpole's
'Onslaught') faces down an army of Vong warriors with the words 'None shall pass' and goes on to have a place in the Vong
consciousness as the giant that guards the gates of death. I've only given the book four out of five simply because,
although character development is important, in a series like the NJO I would've liked for some kind of significant event
or battle as well.
4 out of 5
If you liked Stover:
Then you should read 'Star Wars: Republic Commando - Hard Contact' by Karen Traviss, which similarly shows war without the sugar coating.
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