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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Kathy Tyers
Born in Long Beach, California, Kathy Tyers lives in sotuhwestern Montana with her husband, Mark, and one son.
Average Review Score: 3.5 out of 5 (2 books)
Star Wars: The Truce At Bakura
Beginning the day after 'Return Of The Jedi', this book is one of those upon which the Star Wars Expanded Universe was
built. It was the first time I really thought about the fact that then end of 'RotJ' couldn't possibly be the end of
the war, as here the Rebel heroes travel to the remote planet Bakura to aid an embattled Imperial garrison and gain a political
victory. The enemy the Rebels and Imperials face is an interesting new one, the Ssi-ruuk, a reptilian race who use human
life-energies to power their machines. I had watched a lot of Star Trek before reading this book, however, and as such
the Ssi-ruuk came off looking like a lacklustre imitation of the Borg. The battle scenes are well written and Luke's
attempts to win the affections of a girl who is morally opposed to his very existance make for entertaining reading.
What I liked most about this book is Han and Leia's relationship. It's before they drift apart in Dave Wolverton's 'The
Courtship Of Princess Leia' and even further before they become the married couple of the Thrawn trilogy and beyond.
Here Han and Leia are still exploring the passion and love that they can finally admit to themselves and each other and this
makes for some compelling moments for these two classic characters. Leia gets a brilliant scene on her own too, where
Anakin Skywalker's ghost visits her to beg her forgiveness, but she still thinks of him as Darth Vader and is incapable of
accepting that she is his daughter. Generally a fairly good book and an important read for anyone just setting out in
the EU.
4 out of 5
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Balance Point
The sixth book of the NJO series. I didn't really enjoy Tyers' return to the Star Wars universe much. For
starters, it doesn't develop the characters much. Jacen is supposed to be undergoing some sort of self-discovery, but
ultimately he ends up back as square one. I was pleased to see Han and Leia finally get back together, simply because
I was finding their marital breakdown to be boring, unlikely and frustrating. Speaking of unlikely, that word sums up
the book's plot problems. Han and Jacen are on Duro where they are joined by an injured Jaina, all well and good.
But then it turns out that Leia is on Duro too, overseeing the refugees. And then Luke, Mara and Anakin travel to Duro
on a completely unrelated mission. So by a ridiculous series of coincidences, all the main characters find themselves
together, stretching plausibility to breaking. The action here is pretty unremarkable and the political maneuvering
is transparent at best. It's not all bad, as we are introduced to the psychotic Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster, Tsavong Lah.
Another good bit has Anakin and Luke fighting a public duel. Ultimately, however, this book just isn't up to the high
standards set by the previous NJO novels.
3 out of 5
'Lieutenant Jaina Solo rolled her X-Wing fighter up on its port S-foil and shoved her throttle forward.'
If you liked Tyers:
Then you might want to read the Corellian Trilogy by Roger MacBride Allen or 'The New Jedi Order: Refugee' by Sean Williams
& Shane Dix, which tell the further story of Gaeriel Captison and Bakura.
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