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Reviewing Literature
The Books of George R. R. Martin
Author of the truly epic 'A Song Of Ice And Fire' series, Martin lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Average Review Score: 4.8 out of 5
A Game Of Thrones
The first book of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Using the word 'epic' to describe fantasy stories is all too
common (I often do it myself), by with this series, Martin writes books that earn the phrase is every possible sense.
Somehow, he manages to cram every nuance of medieval politics and warfare into the books, as well as creating genuine and
believable characters. And on top of that he maintains the air of magical mystery that is an important factor in epic
fantasy. This first book sets the bar for this series and, indeed, all contemporary fantasy series'. The story
begins based around the noble Stark family, who maintain the old codes of honour, duty and allegiance to the old gods.
Soon, however, the Stark's contented lifestyle is broken when they are drawn into the court intrigues of the larger realm.
The book continues to diversify as each member of the Stark family is forced along a different path, towards very different
destinies. The most remarkable quality of Martin's work is that nothing is sacred and nothing is certain. People
who need a conclusively happy ending, look elsewhere.
5 out of 5
A Clash Of Kings
A Song of Ice and Fire book two. The troubled realm of the first book is torn apart by civil war, creating a whole
new set of dangers for the scattered Starks. But Martin continues to show the depth of his storytelling by beginning
to tell the stories of the Stark's enemies, who are no less convinced of their own righteousness. I really enjoyed the
idea that, following the turmoil of the first book, leaders all across the nation declare themselves King. The story
of Danaerys Stormborn, true heir to the throne, on the other side of the world begins to become more interesting too.
Also, Dany's story features the birth of her three dragons, who bring magic back into the world. This book's greatest
triumph, however, is the development of Tyrion Lannister. A dwarf (but not in the Gimli sense), he confronts mistrust
and prejudice at every turn and yet, as the King's Hand, he shows himself to be more of a man than any of his peers.
Tyrion's tale reaches it's height in the wonderous evocative climatic battle, in which he leads his people to victory.
As before, however, Martin avoids happy endings, and Tyrion finds that no matter how heroic he is, it will earn him no gratitude
or respect.
5 out of 5
A Storm Of Swords: One - Steel And Snow
The third book of the A Song of Ice and Fire series was divided into two parts for it's paperback release, of which this
is the first. The realm is somewhat quieter, following the devastating battle at King's Landing. However, the
civil war does continue and across the realm of Westeros Martin's diverse cast of characters continue to further their schemes.
This book begins to hint at the true threat to come as large portions of it focuses on the Night's Watch, ranging in the wilds
beyond the great Wall in the north. Bran Stark also begins to come into his own as a character as he sets out to discover
his destiny as a wild magician. Although considerably slower paced that the previous book, this one loses none of Martin's
talent for telling the stories of real people in realistic situations. At only one point was this harsh realism uncomfortable
and that is when Martin reminds us that Sansa Stark, increasingly the object of unwanted sexual attention, is still only thirteen.
However, I think it's entirely likely that Martin planned for the reminder to have just that effect.
5 out of 5
A Storm Of Swords: Two - Blood And Gold
The second paperback part of the third novel of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Here Martin continues the tales
of the now familiar characters but goes to considerable effort to turn all of our expectations and preconceptions on their
heads. The line between hero and villain becomes more blurred than ever as even tried and tested scumbags like Jaime
Lannister prove they are capable of acts of great moral courage. In fact, Jaime's emotional journey in this book is
one of it's best elements, almost equalling Martin's work on Tyrion's character in book two. As well as continuing the
individual stories, the author put the series' larger ideas into effect here as we see the consequences of the return of magic
to the world begin to become clear. However, the most interesting larger story thread is set a the Wall, where the Night's
Watch discover that the Wildling invasion that almost destroys them is really an evacuation in the face of a far more dire
threat. I can't wait for the next volume. Although, obviously, I'll have to. Because it's not out yet, you
see. Yes, well...
5 out of 5
A Feast For Crows
The Song of Ice and Fire finally reaches book four. First I'll relay the tale of what happened to this book when
Martin was writing it... Working hard at continuing the story he'd begun, Martin wrote reams and reams, until it was decided
that the book would be far too long and should therefore be split into two books. This had been done successfully with
the paperback release of Book 3, but this time a different approach was taken; the author divided the main characters in half
and chose to tell the entire story of one half in this book and the entire story of the other half in the forthcoming 'A Dance
With Dragons'. I'm quite happy to grant that this is a clever way of dealing with the issue, but not far into this book
you'll realise that all the really interesting characters (Tyrion, Jon Snow, Danaerys etc) have been saved for the next one.
Call me cynical, but I can't help but think that saving the best characters for next time is a deliberate ploy to keep readers
buying. The irony is that no one who's read this far will be able to stop anyway, so it's just screwing over the fans.
As you may have guessed, I strongly hold this issue against the book. My one other major gripe is that this book has
no climax to speak of. Most of the characters are left hanging in the middle of their stories and there isn't even a
memorable set-piece (like the battles in the previous books) by which to mark where this book is in the overall saga.
Martin's talent as a writer manages to redeem much of these failings. He creates characters who are very real in their
neuroses, emotions and desires, as well as confronting a great many larger issues about war, religion, patriotism and honour.
Overall good, particularly if you're a fan of the lesser characters like Cersei, Jaime, Brienne and Sam, but you
won't be able to escape the feeling that this is a gap-filler novel.
4 out of 5
If you liked Martin:
It's hard to think of anything of comparable style to Martin's work, but I imagine you would probably enjoy Raymond E.
Feist's Riftwar books or Robin Hobb's Farseer trilogy.
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