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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Frank Herbert
Born in 1920, Frank Herbert became one of the most influencial science fiction writers of all time and his novel 'Dune'
is widely considered to be the best book of it's genre ever written. He died in 1986, but his son Brian Herbert and
the sci-fi author Kevin J. Anderson have been using his notes and plans to create new novels in the Dune universe, with the
plan of creating the seventh and final Dune book that 'Chapterhouse: Dune' was leading up to, but which Frank himself never
got to write.
Average Review Score: 4.3 out of 5
The only comparable work of creative fiction written to date is Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings'. Never before or
since has a science fiction writer created a novel so intricate and believable whilst being very much a work of pure
imagination. I can't really put into words the sheer wonder of 'Dune' but I'll try to take it a step at a time.
First, the characters are cleverly written and realised and their interaction is perhaps the novel's finest element, be it
Paul's relationship with his father or the unlikely bond between Guerney and Stilgar or even the resentment-laden relationship
between Baron Harkonnen and the mentat Pieter DeVries. One problem I did have with the book's characters is the fact
that you get the impression that Herbert himself dislikes them all. He highlights their moral and intellectual faults
and in the end has Paul betraying his own ideals. Throughout the book Paul is adamant that he won't allow a Jihad in
his name and that Chani will be his wife. However, at the end Paul decides to marry Irulan for political power and seems
to say "Ah well, perhaps I will let the Jihad go ahead". The story is the sort of epic that lends itself more to fantasy
under usual circumstances, with the noble House Atreides gaining control of Arrakis, the most important planet in the galaxy,
only to be betrayed from within and attacked by their enemies the Harkonnens. Paul and his mother Jessica are forced
to flee and find sanctuary among the harsh but honourable Fremen. Paul then rises to fulfill a Fremen prophesy and leads
them on a crusade to reclaim Arrakis. The sandworms are one of the finest elements of the book, being primal creatures,
their actions almost seeming acts of God. Another truly unique element of 'Dune' is the fact that human machinations
(especially those of the Bene Gessirit) are behind almost everything, as even the prophesy of Paul's coming turns out to be
an ancient Bene Gessirit artifice created in the off-chance that a Sister might one day use it to control the Fremen.
One of my personal favourite ideas introduced into the story is when it becomes apparent that the Emperor's
super-warriors, the Sardaukar, are trained on a brutally harsh world. It is then revealed that the life on Arrakis
has created even more potent warriors in the form of the Fremen. The words 'God created Dune to train the
faithful' will forver remain in my mind as one of the most memorable words in literature (that and '"What has it
got in it's pocketses?"' from a different novel). Ultimately, though, what makes 'Dune' the best SF book ever is
Dune itself, the planet Arrakis. A world so carefully established and described that you will believe in it completely
and perhaps even feel the beat of it's unrelenting sun. I've hardly even scratched the surface in this review and I'd
say that anyone claiming to be a science fiction fan has to read this book. I would warn you though, it's not light
reading so be prepared for a pretty heavy and involved novel. Finally I would like to give special credit to the
book whose film adaption brought us the unforgettable image of Patrick Stewart ('Star Trek: TNG' and 'X-Men') charging
into battle with a flag in one hand and a small dog in the other!
5 out of 5
Dune Messiah
Many people have said bad things about 'Dune Messiah', but I think that although different from 'Dune' and never that
book's equal, this second story of the Atreides is nevertheless a masterpiece. Herbert now shows Paul's attempts to
govern the galaxy that he and the Fremen have won. Mua'dib must juggle politics and religion with his personal life
and more and more he finds himself dissatisfied with the power he has aquired. To my mind, this book is the perfect
follow up to 'Dune' and it develops Paul's character in ways that not even the first book managed, making him more human,
more believable. Also, we see the return of Duncan Idaho, killed by Harkonnens in the first book. Duncan quickly
becomes one of Herbert's finest characters and the choice he makes at the end of the book is the sort of scenario that really
makes a great character. Duncan (or rather the Duncan gholas) go on to become a pivotal element in the later books
of the Dune saga and his introduction here is perfectly orchestrated. Another brilliant element to this book is
when Paul is blinded and, so perfect is his prescience, that he can effectively see the world around him using that power.
'Dune Messiah' is an excellent science fiction book and at around 200 pages, it won't eat into your social life like 'Dune'
may have done.
5 out of 5
Children Of Dune
This book deals with the development of Paul Atreides' children, Leto and Ghanima. We see them as their innate
powers of prescience begin to develop and the reaction of those around them as the gifted children become a threat to their
positions. Most interesting of all is the development of Alia as she becomes an insane tyrant and as her beloved Duncan
comes to realise that she has lost herself to power. This is all set to the background of Rakis, once the desert
world Arrakis, but now turning green and fertile as it's mighty sandworms die out. This book contains many excellent
elements, of particular note are the scene where Leto bonds with the sandtrout and (my personal favourite) the actions of
the Preacher (I won't reveal his identity, but you'll be very pleased when you find out). I found it interesting that
Leto undergoes a similar journey to his father, as he is at first reluctant to sieze power but comes to decide that he must.
In general, 'Children of Dune' lacks the potency of the previous two books, but is nonetheless a very worthwhile read.
4 out of 5
God Emperor Of Dune
This is the weakest of Herbert's Dune books by a long way. Not only does it suffer from the fact that the
story is chronologically very distant from the previous books, therefore making a lot of the element feel unfamiliar,
but it also lacks much in the way of things happening. Most of the book is spent in either philosophical posturing or
political debate. In themselves, those two elements are not necessarily a bad thing, but there is not much else here
to add a bit of pace or excitement. Another failing this book has is that Herbert's apparent dislike for the characters
he puts into the forefront is very strong here and he constantly is picking and ripping apart poor old Duncan Idaho, who is
to my mind Herbert's best character. An even larger failing in terms of the characters is the fact that Leto II, the
God Emperor in question, is unrecognisable, having none of the vision or subtlety that he had in 'Children of Dune'.
I understand that he is becoming more and more sandworm, but I still think that turning him into a psychotic tyrant was a
mistake on Herbert's part. Finally, in this book's favour, I will add that the ending, with Leto's fiendishly clever
plan to put his paln for mankind into effect, is such a twist that it may well make up for the book's other failings in your
3 out of 5
Heretics Of Dune
I thought that this book ranks right up there with the first two. The Scattering initiated by the God Emperor Leto
Atreides has ended and the galaxy is very different. Also, a new threat has entered the frame as the Honoured Matres,
deadly, violent women who use sexual technique to enslave men return from the Scattering. The Bene Gessirit must break
their usually passive standpoint and begin a war against the Honoured Matres, for the invaders seem to have primitive Bene
Gessirit training and they could very well destroy civillisation itself. Amongst the rumbles of impending war, the Bene
Gessirit are undertaking an important experiment as the military genius Miles Teg begins to train a young Duncan Idaho ghola.
Where to start? I really enjoyed the subtle tension with which Herbert builds up the foundations of this cataclysmic
war between the Bene Gessirit and the Honoured Matres. Another masterstroke is the training of Duncan Idaho, through
whom we get to ask questions and discover the answers. I also like the way in which familiar things from the original
'Dune' novel reappear here slightly changed, for instance, the calm world where Duncan is trained was once Geidi Prime, home
of House Harkonnen. The new characters introduced here are also of superb quality in particular Darwi Odrade, who is
a Bene Gesserit with a difference and may well be the only hope for their order; Sheeana, a remarkable girl who can speak
to the great sandworms and, the finest of them all, Miles Teg. Miles' transformation towards the end of the novel will
leave you gaping with wonder, one minute you'll be fearing that he is about to be written out and the next you'll be all but
dancing with glee at his new state of being. In 'Heretics of Dune' we also get to learn alot more about the Bene Tleilax.
You'll find yourself underestimating them often, believing the Bene Gessirit have them under control and then suddenly discovering
that the Tleilaxu are quite capable of holding their own. I apologise if I'm about to give too much away, but I thought
it was genius of Herbert to have the Honoured Matres destroy Dune, Arrakis, itself. He shows that in this war, the outcome
is far from certain and nothing will ever be the same again.
5 out of 5
Chapterhouse: Dune
The last Dune novel written by Frank Herbert, before his death, this novel will have you wishing that he had had the
chance to complete his epic. Following one from, and very much akin to, 'Heretics of Dune', the war against the Honoured
Matres does not go well for the Bene Gessirit. The psychotic Honoured Matres, unable to locate the Bene Gesserit homeworld,
Chapterhouse, have begun destroy planet after planet as they did Arrakis. However, the Bene Gessirit are not beaten.
They have many assets in preparation including the young clone of Miles Teg, the captive Honoured Matre Murbella and the offspring
of the last sandworm. Whilst this book isn't quite as good as it's predecessor, it is nevertheless a very good book.
Characters who we know well are developed excellently here, Darwi has to deal with the pressures of being the leader and most
powerful of the Bene Gesserit, Sheeana begins to come into her own as she works with and trains the last sandworms in
the hopes that they will turn Chapterhouse into the new Dune and, most interestingly of all, Duncan Idaho must now train young
Miles Teg, the clone of the man who in turn trained Duncan. This reversal of roles allows Duncan and Teg both to break
free of their indenture to the Bene Gessirit by forming stronger bonds with each other. The changes undergone
by Murbella are also a very interesting element and her new position at the end of the book is very surprising, but not
as ridiculous as it might have been had attention not been payed to her development. The threat of the Honoured
Matres maintains the tension throughout, but we are also introduced to a new and more frightening concept; the Bene Gesserit
have reason to believe that the Honoured Matres have returned to the Old Empire because they are fleeing an even more terrifying
scourge from the Scattering. This new and almost unseen threat adds a whole new depth to the book and it is because
this new factor is never resolved that we see the tradgedy of Herbert dying before he could complete the story that he clearly
had planned. The finale, in which Duncan, Sheeana and Miles decide to begin a new Scattering is entirely enthralling.
This book's one major failing is that it can really drag in places, making you want to put the book down and come back later
to see if the scene you're bogged down in has gotten any more interesting.
4 out of 5
If you liked Herbert:
As I say, the Dune series is effectively peerless, but you may wish to check out the works of the equally brilliant science
fiction authors Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. If it's the gritty harshness of Arrakis itself that you loved, then
you may well enjoy 'Salt' by Adam Roberts, which deals with a similarly hostile planet.
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