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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Elizabeth Hand
Elizabeth Hand has written several Clone Wars novels aimed at younger readers.
Average Review Score: 3.5 out of 5
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Maze Of Deception
The third book of the Boba Fett series aimed at younger readers (the previous two, 'The Fight To Survive' and 'Crossfire',
were written by Terry Bisson). This book tells the story of how the recently orphaned Boba attempts to lay hands on
his father's fortune whilst attempting to escape from the fellow bounty hunter Aurra Sing. Boba's adventures on the
banking planet of Aargau aren't particularly exciting and since the writing quality suffers from it's young target audience,
this book won't be much good to an adult reader (in fact, even the younger readers might find it a little tedious).
3 out of 5
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Hunted
Boba travels to Tatooine to enlist in the employ of Jabba the Hutt. However, the Hutt decides to set a test for
his skills; to kill the Separatist leader Gilramos Libkath. Boba's quest is made all the more difficult by the bounty
hunter Durge (the armoured guy who fights Obi-Wan in the Clone Wars cartoon), who is also after Libkath and has a pathological
hatred for Mandalorians such as Boba. Although it's interesting to see Boba's first meeting with Jabba, there are a
few major flaws with this book. The most obvious one is that, as the hero of a children's story, Boba can't really be
the ruthless killer he's supposed to be. This means that Boba's quest ends in a dreadfully contrived death for Libkath.
On the same theme is that Hand never seems to note the fact that Boba is actually only ten; a bit young for a deadly bounty
hunter. The final annoyance is that Boba openly wanders around without his helmet on in Jabba's palace, which is a complete
betrayal of the character.
3 out of 5
Star Wars: Boba Fett - A New Threat
The fifth book in the series jumps ahead two years, to late in the Clone Wars. With this book Hand finally justifies
the 'A Clone Wars Novel' that appears on the cover (the war is hardly mentioned in her previous two books), as Boba finds
himself having to infiltrate a Separatist fortress as it is besieged by Republic forces. So, it's pretty much action
all the way after that and the book culminates brilliantly when Boba finds himself face to face with General Grievous (this
was actually Grievous' first ever appearance). It goes without saying that Grievous then proceeds to kick the crap out
of our hero! One problem I did have with this book is that at the beginning Boba has just killed a Noghri (some of the
deadliest fighters around), which is hard to believe when you consider that he's still only twelve.
4 out of 5
Star Wars: Boba Fett - Pursuit
The sixth and final book of young Boba Fett's adventures. Having clearly learned her lesson that these books need
to be action action action if they're to keep readers interested (the writing lacks the depth to be worth the time in and
of itself), Hand delivers just that. The books begins with Boba escaping the predicament of the last book's ending,
after which he enters into a dogfight with the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. There follows
a brilliant moment where Anakin helps Boba to repair Slave I and they develop a grudging admiration of each other, which is
particularly poignant considering Boba becomes Darth Bader's favourite bounty hunter. Boba then travels to Coruscant
and encounters his hated enemy Mace Windu (who killed Jango Fett, don't forget). This book is worth it's money just
for the Boba vs Mace moment really. Boba then informs Chancellor Palpatine that Count Dooku is also Tyranus, who created
the Republic's clone army. But, as we know, Palpatine already knows this. Boba ends the story with enough money
to win free of service to Jabba and a burning desire to become the best bounty hunter in the galaxy. This book is definitely
the best of the entire series, not only because of it's great story moments, but also because it is the most adultly written.
Still, only adult Star Wars fans should read it, other adults just dabbling will find it too childish still and should stick
to the full-length novels.
4 out of 5
If you liked Hand:
Then check out the young adult novels of Jude Watson.
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