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Reviewing Literature
The Books of A. C. Crispin
Ann C. Crispin has been writing full time since 1983, dabbling in both science fiction and fantasy. She has also
written original novels for the two heavyweight SF franchises; Star Wars and Star Trek. She lives in Maryland with her
son Jason and partner Michael Capobianco.
Average Review Score: 5 out of 5
Star Wars: The Paradise Snare
The Han Solo trilogy book one. This book gathers together all the information about Han's early years and adds
it to a brand new story about the slave colony of Ylesia. Among the flashbacks we get scenes such as his meeting with
his cruel cousin Thracken Sal-Solo, an encounter with Senator Garm Bel-Iblis and a the Free For All in which he first sees
Boba Fett. After sorting out the continuity problems posed by these numerous events suggested by other authors, Crispin
goes on to show how Han escapes his indentured servitute to the criminal Garris Shrike. There are clear Oliver Twist
parallels in the story and I was dismayed when the author introduced a droid named F8GN. However, when he travels to
Ylesia Han's adventures start in earnest as he tries to walk the fine line between honourable thief and simple criminal.
There's a slightly disturbing scene in which a very adult-seeming Han visits Alderaan and sees a picture of a cute nine
year old Princess Leia.
5 out of 5
Star Wars: The Hutt Gambit
The best book of the Han Solo trilogy and one of the best Star Wars books in general. The story begins with a destitute
Han, whose just been chucked out of the Imperial Navy, with nothing to his name but a large companion who he amusingly refers
to at one point as 'Chew-something'. The book then follows him and Chewie as they become the galaxy's best smugglers.
This book introduces us to all of Han's friends who turn up in later Star Wars books and also show features several pivotal
moments in the Corellian's life; meeting Lando for the first time, becoming Jabba the Hutt's employee and his first encounter
with 'the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy'. The book culminates in one of the best-written Star Wars battles ever,
in which a rag-tag band of smugglers band together to fight off a mighty Imperial fleet. I loved this book when I got
it in 1997 and it sparked off the Star Wars mania in me which has led to the abnormal number of Star Wars books review on
this site!
5 out of 5
Star Wars: Rebel Dawn
The final book of the Han Solo Trilogy, 'Rebel Dream' sets out to reveal how the Han of the previous book, ie on top
of the world, becomes the desperate fugitive from debt that we meet in 'A New Hope'. This is an excellent book, with
Crispin once again excelling in her weaving together of all Han's previously established lore, from his winning the Falcon
from Lando and his ensuing Corporate Sector adventures, to how he ends up owing money to Jabba in the first place.
This book also wraps up Bria's storyline, albeit a little too neatly to be believable. There are numerous notable bits
in this book, but a few worth special mentioning are Chewie's wedding, the early Rebel Alliance meetings and plenty of great
Boba Fett moments. Ultimately, however, despite how good this book is, it will always pale in comparison to the awesome
'The Hutt Gambit'.
5 out of 5
If you liked Crispin:
Then you will likely enjoy the Star Wars books of James Luceno (who shares Crispin's ability to weave in other author's
work) and Michael A. Stackpole (who writes equally exciting space combat scenes).
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