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Reviewing Literature
The Books of R.A. Salvatore
Born in Massachusetts in 1959, R.A. Salvatore created one of the most beloved of fantasy characters for the Forgotten
Realms series of novels; the heroic dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden. He is also responsible for beginning the epic Star Wars
story arc 'The New Jedi Order' and will go down in Sci-fi history as the man who killed Chewbacca.
Average Review Score: 4 out of 5 (6 books)
Forgotten Realms: Homeland
In this story we are introduced to the subterranean society of the cruel and evil Drow elves. Into this harsh and
unforgiving world is born Drizzt Do'Urden an unparallelled warrior who shows signs of morals and principles that mean death
under the laws of the Spider Queen Lloth. Drizzt's struggle to keep his identity whilst attempting to remain among his
cruel people is an inspiring read. His character is brilliantly mirrored by his father, Zaknafein, who shares Drizzt's
principles but whose hope has given way to despair. This book isn't the best fantasy read around, I found some of Menzoberranzan's
politics to be a bit boring, but it is an excellent starting place for those who wish to meet Drizzt, who to my mind is one
of the most interesting characters in modern fantasy.
3 out of 5
Forgotten Realms: Exile
The second book of The Dark Elf Trilogy, 'Exile' is the story of Drizzt Do'Urden as he ventures out into the wider world
of the Underdark for the first time. Instead of having to struggle with his people's inherant evil, this time Drizzt's
emotional battle is internal, as he fights to control 'the Hunter', a savage personality that has grown within him during
his years living alone in the wilds. The resurrection of Zaknafein is a clever twist in that it provides a nemesis for
Drizzt who has the talent and skill to truly be a match for the hero. Belwar is the perfect companion to Drizzt and
their relationship is one of this book's strongest factors. Clacker's tragic sub-plot is also guaranteed to make your
heart ache with pity. The only real problem I have with 'Exile' is Belwar's hands. As if a gnome with a hammer
and a pick-axe for hands wasn't bizarre enough, Salvatore makes no attempt to describe the practicalities of such a thing.
We're given no indication of how Belwar eats, dresses himself etc. (lord only knows how he pees!) and that seemed to be a
failing on the author's part.
4 out of 5
Forgotten Realms: Sojourn
The final part of the Dark Elf trilogy is the best by far. It begins with Drizzt, having left the Underdark, beginning
to learn about the surface world. His first encounter with other creatures, gnolls, leads him to kill them to protect
a family of human farmers, which leaves him guilty and confused about whether he was justified. His guilt deepens when
he is framed for the murder of those selfsame humans and is pursued by a group of rangers. His brief interaction with
one of these rangers, a surface elf, is one of this book's finest moments. Among his pursuers is the book's villain,
a brutal and vengeful man named (unfortunately) Roddy McGristle. When Drizzt finds the old man Mooshie, the pain and
misery of the previous two books lightens considerably and the Battle of Mooshie's Grove is a great prelude to the style of
the Icewind Dale books. What I enjoyed most about the book was Drizzt's eventual arrival in the Icewind Dale, after
going through considerable personal changes, and the tentative way he makes friends of a young human girl named Cattie-brie
and a gruff dwarf named Bruenor.
5 out of 5
Forgotten Realms: The Icewind Dale Trilogy
This omnibus contains the books 'The Crystal Shard', 'Streams of Silver' and 'The Halfling's Gem'. Here we have
a trilogy of books that are absolutely top-notch fantasy, very much on a par with Raymond E. Feist and David Eddings.
Hell, in these books Salvatore shows a mastery of the epic that puts him closely beneath Tolkien himself. The main characters
are a group of friends who are the driving force behind the sweeping story and, unlike many fantasy books that use the 'sheltered
farm/country/kitchen boy saves the world' theme, Salvatore's heroes are all experienced warriors. Wulfgar is a barbarian
who is the character that shows the most growth and Bruenor is the grizzled father-figure. Those two are offset by the
feminine, but no less fierce, Cattie-Brie and the lazy but surprisingly heroic halfling Regis. Finally there's Drizzt
Do'Urden, whose struggle against the prejudice engendered by his dark elf heritage makes a deep and moving emotional hook.
My one problem with this book is the way in which the heroes repeatedly seem to die, only to turn up later, very much alive.
In fact, one such 'death' is a little bit too LOTR for my tastes, with one of the heroes falling into the dark depths of an
abandoned dwarf mine whilst struggling against a mighty beast (there's even fire and shadow).
5 out of 5
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones
The novelisation of George Lucas' latest money spinner. The problem with this book is (and this is not Salvatore's
fault but Lucas') that the story of 'Episode II' is pants when the CGI Clonetroopers and visually dynamic lightsaber duels
are removed. Anakin is a whiny baby, Obi-Wan is quite dull and Padme is a waste of time. The only character that
you can really like is Jango Fett and he snuffs it! I read this novelisation before the release of the film and have
to say that I thought is was a terrible story. I then went on to love the film, so it shows how much the Star Wars prequels
owe to their visuals and lack in plot depth. A very disappointing read in general.
2 out of 5
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Vector Prime
The first part of the multi-author New Jedi Order series. Most of the other books in the NJO are very series-specific,
but 'Vector Prime', being the first book, is much like the stand alone Star Wars books of Vonda McIntyre and Kristine Kathryn
Rusch. And I should point out that that is a good thing! Salvatore's writing style lends itself well to the epic
Star Wars universe as well as the insidious new invaders and this novel is an undeniable triumph that fans and first-timers
will love. The death of Chewbacca was clearly a marketing scam by Lucas Licensing, but Salvatore manages to write it
so tactfully that you wouldn't realise it. As Luke comments in the 'Chewbacca' comic series from Dark Horse, "Chewie
died being Chewie". All in all a good Star Wars stand alone and an even better opening to the sweeping 19-book NJO series.
5 out of 5
'It was too peaceful out here, surrounded by the vacuum of space and with only the continual hum of the twin ion drives
breaking the silence.'
If you like Salvatore:
Fans of his fantasy work would certainly enjoy the classic 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy and might also enjoy dipping further
into the world of Faerun by reading some of the diverse titles in the 'Forgotten Realms' series.
If you enjoyed his Star Wars novels then I'd recommend in particular 'Shatterpoint' by Matthew Stover and 'Tatooine Ghost' by Troy Denning.
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