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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Drew Karpyshyn
Drew Karpyshyn, as well as being a novelist, is also an award-winning writer/designer for the BioWare computer game company
and was lead writer for the hugely popular 'Knights of the Old Republic' game. He lives in Canada with his wife Jen
and their cat.
Average Review Score: 4.5 out of 5
Star Wars: Darth Bane - Path Of Destruction
Set 1000 years before 'A New Hope' this book tells the story of a time when the Republic and the Jedi were engaged in
a devastating war with the Sith Brotherhood of Darkness. More specifically it is the story of a miner named Dessel who
goes on to rebuild the Sith Order according to his own design, as Darth Bane. I will say first how pleased I was that
Lucasfilm have finally decided to take the gamble of releasing a novel not directly tied to characters from the movies or
from computer games. It means Karpyshyn gets to explore almost entirely new territory for much of the book and what
better setting than a huge war between the Jedi and the Sith. I really enjoyed Dessel/Bane's story itself too.
He begins as a disillusioned and desperate miner with no love for the Republic which sanctions what is effectively slavery
on his homeworld. Then he becomes a soldier, before finally beginning his training as a Sith. A Sith Academy was
featured in 'KotOR' the game, but this is the first time we can read about the dark and deadly nature of the training of the
Sith. Ultimately, Bane breaks from the Academy and begins a quest on his own which will eventually lead him to the creation
of the Rule of Two. The author has also included the cataclysmic Battle of Ruusan, previously told (rather poorly) in
the 'Jedi vs Sith' comics. Arching across Bane's journey from uncertain apprentice to Dark Lord of the Sith is his relationship
with the seductive and ruthless Githany. I really enjoyed the fact that at times, despite themselves, they seem
to be truly in love. Another great element of this book is Karpyshyn's efforts to link his work on 'Knights of the Old
Republic' into the larger Star Wars universe, returning us to the Unknown World and having Bane learn the teachings of Darth
Revan. I did find it odd (and perhaps a little petty) that the author studiously avoids any mention of 'KotOR II',
which he and BioWare had no part in. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it. Basically this book is a tale of darkness
and war that features all the essentials of a good Star Wars story (not least plenty of lightsaber action!).
5 out of 5
'In the last days of the Old Republic, the Sith - followers of the Force's dark side and ancient enemies of the Jedi
Order - numbered only two: one Master and one apprentice.'
Star Wars: Darth Bane - Rule Of Two
The sequel to 'Path Of Destruction' begins amid the ashes of the Battle of Ruusan. It's there that we meet the
four main protagonists of the story. The first is Darovit, a young man whose failure as both a Jedi and a Sith have
left him devastated. Then there is Zannah, an angry young girl who is spellbound by the possibility of wielding the
dark side to it's full potential. Next we have Johun Othone, a headstrong Jedi Padawan obsessed with the destruction
of the Sith. Finally there is the implacable Darth Bane himself. This mix of characters means that there's a variety
of different perspectives and experiences to sink your teeth into here, which is a very good element. A better element
still is the fact that this book breaks into unexplored Star Wars territory, unlike the previous one whose ending was already
established. Here even Bane himself is a potential casualty, meaning that there is a real element of threat to story.
The best element of this book is Darth Zannah. She starts off as simply an angry and confused child, struggling with
the guilt of using the dark side. However, when the book skips forwards ten years, we are introduced to a Sith Lord
every bit as good as Bane, albeit very different. Karpyshyn keeps us guessing as to which way Zannah will turn at various
decision points and the fact that redemption is not outside the realms of possibility makes her easy to empathise with.
A final nod of the head should go to Johun Othone, who is a very different type of Jedi to those we're used to. He's
not exceptionally powerful, he isn't deeply wise or serene, he's not a master of lightsaber combat. He's merely an average
Jedi trying to live up to being a guardian of peace and justice. The author also brushes on other elements of the Star
Wars universe which will keep fans happy, be it the tomb of Freedon Nadd, the holocron of Belia Darzu or the Ruusan Reformations.
Why didn't I give the book full marks? Simply because we know the Sith aren't exposed until 'The Phantom Menace', robbing
the story of some of it's punch.
4 out of 5
'Darovit made his stumbling way through the bodies that littered the battlefield, his mind numb with grief and horror.'
If you enjoyed Karpyshyn:
Then I strongly recommend you play 'Knights of the Old Republic', his magnum opus. You may also enjoy tales of
the other Darths, such as 'Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter' by Michael Reaves or 'Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader' by James Luceno.
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