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Collaborations A - F
Collaborations G - M
Collaborations N - R
Collaborations S
Collaborations T - Z
Anthologies A - R
Anthologies S
Anthologies T - Z
Still to come
Reviewing Literature
Collaborations Titled T to Z
Here you'll find books by two or more collaborating authors (I didn't know how else to include them!)
Teen Titans/Outsiders: The Death And Return Of Donna Troy
by Judd Winick, Phil Jimenez & Chuck Kim
(Graphic Novel with art by Ale Garza, Trevor Scott, Lary Stucker, Marlo Alquiza, Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Jose Luis
Garcia-Lopez and George Perez)
A tie-in to the build-up towards the 'Infinte Crisis' epic story event. This book is divided into three chapters.
The first sees the Titans (Nightwing, Troia, Cyborg etc) team up with Young Justice (Robin, Wonder Girl, Superboy etc) against
a powerful cyborg from the future. In it's attempts to find compatible technology, the cyborg awakens one of the malfunctioning
Superman robots. The ensuing battle with the Titans and Young Justice makes for exciting reading and leads to the deaths
of two young heroes (one being Troia/Donna Troy). The second chapter features Cassie, who took over as Wonder Girl from
Donna, reviewing the life and times of her deceased friend. This allows us to get to know the history of a character
that I otherwise wouldn't have understood (what with Wonder Woman, two Wonder Girls and so on). There is then a time
gap before the third chapter in which Troia, alive but stripped of her memory, is helping the Titans of Legend to conquer
the innocent planet of Minosyss. Members of the new Titans and the Outsiders are transported to Minosyss where they
are forced to fight against Troia in the hopes of reminding her of her life a Donna Troy. In this chapter there is quite
a bit of reference to Donna's mixed backstory and also to the events of 'Crisis on Infinite Earths', both of which are unknown
to me. I enjoyed this book as whole, though, despite some of the references flying right over my head. What I
liked most was the constrasts created by the different generations of young heroes against their more famous mentors, ie Batman-Nightwing-Robin,
Wonder Woman-Troia-Wonder Girl and Superman-Superboy. Don't expect to get the full story here though, you'll need 'Infinite
Crisis' for that.
4 out of 5
The Batman/Judge Dredd Files
(Graphic Novel with art by Simon Bisley, Carl Critchlow, Dermot Power, Glen Fabry, Jim Murray and Jason Brashill)
An omnibus which collects three crossover stories between the Dark Knight and the Lawman of the Future. The reason
tese crossovers work so well is that they combine the morbid humour of Dredd's stories with the gothic intrigue of Batman's.
The first of the three stories here sees Judge Death unleashed on Gotham and it is made by two separate relationships.
The first is, obviously, Batman and Dredd who fully indulge a testosterone fuelled rivalry. But far more interesting
than that is the interplay between Judge Death and the Scarecrow, who maintain a hilariously sinister banter (not to mention
the revelation that Death's darkest fear is cuddly Disney-esque animals!). Throw in the headbutting antics of Mean Angel
and you've got the best part of the book. The second story sees the two title characters having to join forces to survive
a bizarre alien bloodsport. The third and final story sees the Joker travelling to Mega City One and unleashing the
imprisoned Dark Judges. Although perhaps not terribly deep, this book is thoroughly enjoyable, particularly if you enjoy
both characters separately.
5 out of 5
The OMAC Project
(Graphic Novel with art by Rags Morales, Michael Bair, Ed Benes, Jesus Saiz, Jimmy Palmiotti, Ivan Reis, Marc Campos,
Phil Jimenez, Andy Lanning, Bob Wiacek, David Lopez, Tom Derenick, Georges Jeanty, Karl Kerschl, Mark Propst, Bit, Dexter
Vines, Bob Petrecca, Nelson and Cliff Richards)
Part of the 'Countdown To Infinite Crisis' series. I've long been away from the world of DC comics and I read 'Prelude
To Infinite Crisis' to try to get into this major storyline. That book, however, left me completely bewildered.
This book has set me back on track. The basic storyline is this; after learning that other heroes were tampering with
villains memories (as well as his own) Batman created Brother Eye, an artificial intelligence tasked with monitoring the planet's
so-called metahumans. Unfortunately, Brother Eye has been subverted by a dangerous mastermind. The book begins
with the tragic story of the Blue Beetle. He begins to learn the secrets of OMAC but finds himself shunned and marginalised
by the other heroes. Unsure of his future as a costumed crime fighter, he nevertheless resolves to uncover the
details of OMAC. Later events in the story include the mental subversion of Superman, leading to a titanic clash between
him and Wonder Woman (you'll need to buy another book, 'Superman: Sacrifice', for the first round though), and Wonder Woman's
murder of the mastermind behind the plot. With it's master dead, Brother Eye begins an attempt to cleanse the world
of metahumans using powerful OMAC warriors. This leads to a classic 'last-stand' style conclusion which, despite
being reminiscent of Marvel's Sentinels vs X-Men events, was awesome. After 'Prelude...' I was ready to bypass the Infinite
Crisis storyline. Now, I look forward to reading more.
4 out of 5
The Redemption Of Althalus
This book begins quite enjoyably as we follow the adventures of the rogueish thief Althalus and his attempts to find
his or, more accurately, other people's fortune. With his charm, wit and delightful lack of morals Althalus is an instantly
appealing character. Sadly, however, the authors rapidly remove us from this enjoyable fable and throw us into a world
of contesting gods and their unique mortal agents. Rapidly the story takes on the aspect of a poor imitation of the
Beglariad and Malloreon sagas and Althalus is set up as a distinctly lacklustre replacement for Belgarath the Sorcerer.
Not only is the book largely a rehashing of the authors' previous work, but it's not a very good one at that. The psuedo-omniscient
characters such as Dweia (an annoying Polgara-esque bitch) take great pains to explain things like the scientific nature of
ice ages or the stars, robbing some of the fantasy wonder from the book, but then the authors just fob us off with
a "Never mind" whenever they introduce a concept which they're too lazy to rationalise. Of nearly equal annoyance is
the heavy repetition involved with the characters reciting the events of previous chapters over and over, with the story of
the robbery of Gosti Big Belly even going so far as to take up huge chunks of both the first and the last quarters of the
book. Add to this irritating dialogue, a disconcerting failure to understand temporal causality (something you do need
to consider if you're going to mess around with time travel in a novel) and some of the biggest plot holes I've ever read
and you've got the makings of a pretty bad book all over. A very long fall from grace by the authors of the outstanding
'Belgarath The Sorcerer'.
2 out of 5
'Now before the Beginning, there was no Time, and all was Chaos and Darkness.'
Have you ever been to South Brent? It's my home town, in Devon. Lovely place, but too many people who've
been marrying their own cousins for generations. My family has been here for three generations and we've managed to
avoid marrying each other, so why can't the others? I'll never know.
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