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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Greg Keyes
Greg Keyes (aka J. Gregory Keyes) is a #1 bestselling author, a teacher at the University of Georgia and a student of
anthropology. He was born in Mississippi.
Average Review Score: 4.7 out of 5 (3 books)
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Edge Of Victory: Conquest
For his first outing in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Keyes does very well, particularly since the Edge of Victory
book were written in a hurry to fill the gap following the cancellation of the Knightfall trilogy. Rather than
attempting to take on the Star Wars galaxy as a whole, Keyes cleverly uses this book to create something of a sequel to the
six younger reader Junior Jedi Knight books. He writes well about the dynamic between Anakin Solo and Tahiri Veila and
provides excellent descriptions of Yavin 4 under Yuuzhan Vong control. The reason I've only given it a 4 is simply because
I've read one too many 'enemies who make an uneasy alliance' stories before this one.
4 out of 5
'Dorsk 82 ducked behind the stone steps of the quay, just in time to dodge a blaster bolt from across the water.'
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - Edge Of Victory: Rebirth
With growing skill and confidence, Keyes branches out into the Star Wars galaxy. Here, surprisingly considering
the length of the novel, he manages to update all of the major characters and storylines featured to date in the NJO.
I was impressed at his approaches to the relationships between Luke and Mara, as well as Anakin and Tahiri. His handling
of the tension between Jacen, Leia and Han, however was less impressive and a little tedious. My favourite element of
the book is where Kyp Durron charms Jaina into helping him convince the New Republic military to launch an offensive strike.
It's eventually apparent, however, that Kyp has deceived them all and I liked the idea of the character using any means to
get done what he thinks needs doing (there, I managed to get that out without spoiling the surprise!).
5 out of 5
'Blood, drifting in starlight.'
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order - The Final Prophecy
Definitely the better of Keyes' three New Jedi Order novels. The story is basically in two parts, the first being
the brutal battle at Bilbringi. The battle sequences are very well written and it was nice to see an author putting
Wedge Antilles in command of a fleet again. The other half of the book involves a second team travelling to Zonama Sekot
(for details of the first, read the Force Heretic trilogy by Sean Williams and Shane Dix). The difference with this
team is that it's rather an odd collection of characters; Tahiri Veila, whose mind is half Jedi and half Vong, Corran Horn,
who distrusts everyone, the Prophet, Nom Anor in disguise, Nen Yim, a heretical Vong shaper and Harrar, a Vong priest
having a crisis of faith. It is the dynamic between these characters, the distrust and the growing understanding, that
is the most interesting element of the story. Sadly, however, their stint of Zonama Sekot is too much like rereading what
we've already seen in Force Heretic. It would have been better if it had been this group had been the first there.
The one other problem with this book is that it's publicity claims it reveals the secrets of the Vong's origins. That's
complete rubbish, all we find out is a link between the Vong and Zonama Sekot, nothing we hadn't already figured out is revealed.
5 out of 5
If you liked Keyes:
Then you might like to check out the younger reader Junior Jedi Knights series by Nancy Richardson and Rebecca Moesta which chronicles the first adventures of Anakin and Tahiri.
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