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Reviewing Literature
The Books of Tad Williams
A man of many talents, Tad Williams has had jobs ranging from working in radio, tv, theatre and cinema to selling shoes.
According to the 'about the author' bit in his books, he and his family live in London and the San Fransisco Bay Area (suggesting
that he has one f-ing huge house!).
Average Review Score: 3.5 out of 5 (4 books)
The Dragonbone Chair
The first book of the Memory, Sorrow And Thorn series. Williams writes well and keeps his story moving along fairly
rapidly for the most part. That said, however, the story told here, of a kitchen boy named Simon who finds himself thrust
into a desperate flight from evil forces and then joins a quest with an assortment of strange allies, is entirely too familiar.
Williams doesn't really add any new concepts, which isn't always bad, but he also doesn't handle the fantasy mainstays (cliches,
some might say) very well either. More than simply being an everyman, out of his depth, Simon is an irritating, cowardly
simpleton, who is very hard to connect with as a main character. Miriamele's disguise is probably the worst cliche and
entirely unnecesary, as we figure it our from the very beginning (or I did at least). The power hungry kind led astray
by his magician is again very familiar and that king's meetings and unholy ceremonies with evil creatures lack any feeling
of the sinister. Binabik's character redeems the blandness of the book somewhat, but in general, Williams doesn't provide
anything here that hasn't been dones better by other authors. And if you're gonna have elves, bloody well call them
elves, instead of calling them Sithi and hoping no one notices their clearly elven nature.
3 out of 5
'The book of the mad priest Nisses is large, say those who have held it, and as heavy as a small child.'
Stone Of Farewell
Book two of the Memory, Sorrow And Thorn series. Williams provides a slightly better book here than the first
of the series. Most of the improvement comes from the maturation of the main characters; Simon isn't quite such and
insufferable wiener and Miriamele actually starts to think for herself. There are considerably less poorly-written cliches
to wrestle with here too, as Williams broadens the nonhuman cultures that inhabit his world to be more than just tree-hugging
elves and mountain-living trolls. The Yiqanuc (that's the trolls) get a fair bit of exposure at the beginning of the
book, allowing them to seem more like a fully realised culture than a simple conceit and the same goes for the Sithi later
on. Also, the focus has begun to veer away from the depressingly hackneyed king-gone-mad-with-power towards the more
sinister and supernatural threat of the Storm King. Basically, a much more interesting read than it's predecessor, but
still not of high enough quality to earn it distinction among the other modern fantasy series'.
4 out of 5
'The wind sawed across the empty battlements, yowling like a thousand condemned souls crying for mercy.'
To Green Angel Tower: Siege
The third book of the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series. This is definitely the best book of the series so far and
features three main storylines. The first deals with Prince Josua's followers who find themselves besieged at the Stone
of Farewell. Sieges are the bread and butter of epic fantasy and Williams writes a good one, adding the interesting
element of the fighting taking place on a frozen moat into the mix. The second storyline begins with Miriamele as a
captive (and sexual plaything) of the cruel Lord Aspitis. However, she and the unstable monk Cadrach escape and find
help in the form of Duke Isgrimnur, Tiamak and the amnesiac Sir Camaris. This little group then undertakes a trying
journey across the swamps of the Wran. My favourite bit of this storyline involved an encounter with a giant crocodile.
The third major plotline in this book is that of the Hernystiri who make a stand against their conquerors and are surprised
by the arrival of the Sithi as allies. This book's best element is the continuing maturation of Simon and Miriamele
and the affect it has on their feelings for one another. Simon, having faced a dragon and befriended both the Yiqanuc
and the Sithi, becomes a knight and one of Josua's counsellors. Miriamele, however, is shocked out of her rich-girl
mind set and suffers a tragic loss of innocence at Aspitis' hands. When the two of them are brought back together once
more their childish infatuation with one another begins to develop into a more adult connection. As before, the worst
element of this book is the cliched mad king being poisoned and manipulated by his wizard counsellor.
4 out of 5
'Guthwulf, Earl of Utanyeat, ran his fingers back and forth across the scarred wood of Prester John's Great Table, disturbed
by the unnatural stillness.'
To Green Angel Tower: Storm
The final book of the Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series. Because this book is actually the second half of the original
single hardback volume, it throws us right in at the deep end of events from the previous book. We then follow three
main storylines; that of Josua and his army, the campaign of Count Eolair and the Sithi, and the mission of Simon and Miriamele
into the heart of enemy territory. The latter storyline began as my favourite since, as a hopeless romantic, I enjoyed
the awkward by affectionate time the characters spend together on the road. However, the story turned sour when it enters
the tunnels beneath the Hayholt, leading to a confusing, repetetive and irritating series of events. Also, a large portion
of this book is dreams and visions, leading to a good deal of confusion and a certain amount of boredom. Don't get me
wrong, overall this is an enjoyable end to an equally enjoyable series, but it has some specific flaws which rob it of being
the grand ending that a series like this should have. Among these flaws are the way in which numerous storylines from
the previous books lead to pointless dead ends, as well as the fact that all the hard-won knowledge and experience the
characters gain proves incorrect and in the end it's almost complete chance that saves the day.
3 out of 5
'Tiamak found the empty treelessness of the High Thrithing oppressive.'
If you liked Williams:
Be sure to get hold of the two anthologies 'Legends', which contains a Memory, Sorrow and Thorn story, and 'Legends II',
which features an Otherland story.
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