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Reviewing Literature
The Books of William King
Born in Stranraer, Scotland, in 1959, William King will be familiar to fans of the Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 fiction
series', his most famous characters being the unlikely fantasy heroes Gotrek and Felix. He now lives in Prague (the
rather thinly veiled basis for the city of Praag in 'Beastslayer').
Average Review Score: 3.7 out of 5
Described as an 'episodic novel', this book is, in fact, a series of loosely connected short stories; and it's rubbish.
The stories favour mindless gore over proper tension-building and every single one repeats the bits about Felix throwing back
his cloak to reveal his sword, or Gotrek running his thumb down his axe and drawing a bit of blood and frankly, by the end,
you're sick to death of hearing about it. Also, King's prose is clunky and childish, with no subtlety or poetry.
Don't get me wrong, some of the stories here are better than others (the one in the haunted dwarf mine is probably the best),
but in general the quality is low. Gotrek and Felix are interesting characters, but show absolutely no development across
the novel whatsoever (except the Gotrek loses and eye).
2 out of 5
The second Gotrek and Felix novel, this book is not quite so dire as it's predecessor, but it comes close. The
book is entirely about a Skaven invasion of the great city of Nuln, but for some reason King still clings to the terrible
'episodic' set-up of the first book and each chapter has a new Skaven clan unleashing an evil plot, only to be foiled by Gotrek
and Felix. The Grey Seer Thanquol has the potential to be a geniunely cunning villain, but by the end of the book, his
incompetence and cowardice have ruined the character and you get the feeling that Gotrek and Felix's efforts are inconsequential,
because the Skaven are too stupid to win anyway. The fact that there is a core story throughout this novel is the only
thing that elevates it above 'Trollslayer' and in all other areas, this book has the first one's failings, foremost being
the lack of any development of the main characters and poor prose following hot on it's heels.
2 out of 5
When I read this book, I was stunned. The first two books of the Gotrek and Felix series had been awful and then
suddenly, as if Mr. King had a brain transplant, the third book is a piece of gothic fantasy genius! Don't get me wrong,
this is no indepth psychologically challenging book, but it is a sheer joy to read. The repetetive characters of Gotrek
and Felix are given a new lease of life in their interactions with a diverse new cast of characters, foremost being Snorri
Nosebiter, a mentally challenged and psychotic dwarf Slayer, Ulrika, a beautiful and dangerous Kislevite woman, Malakai Makaisson,
another psychotic Slayer but also a technological genius, and Max Schreiber, a cunning wizard. As other fantasy novels
have shown, having an interesting band as the key players in a quest may not be original, but it works. The interactions,
particularly between the hilariously violent Slayers, make for deeply entertaining reading. Tension is created first
by the machinations of the Skaven Thanquol (whose not so lame as he was in the last book) and then by the dangers of Chaos,
as the heroes travel into the corrupted Northern Wastes aboard a remarkable dwarf airship. Finally, reaching an isolated
and embattled dwarf stronghold, things take a more sinister turn as a powerful daemon is awoken. I enjoyed every minute
of reading this book and the daemon is such a sinister sonofabitch that it actually makes for a truly scary horror element
too. Unfortunately, you'd probably have to read books 1 and 2 to understand this one, but I can promise that you'll
be richly rewarded when you get onto this one in the end!
5 out of 5
Gotrek, Felix and their friends return from the Chaos Wastes in this, the fourth book in the series. The story
then takes us to a dwarf city where, in one of the best scenes of the book, Felix and his Slayer friends stand up to a dwarf
king and declare their intentions to kill a mutant dragon that is plaguing the area. Felix, Max and Ulrika are along
for the adventure and the Slayers Gotrek, Malakai and Snorri are joined by others of their cult. There is a thief Slayer,
a coward Slayer, a sex-obsessed Slayer and an immature Slayer. Add in Gotrek's grimness, Snorri's stupidity and Malakai's
insane genius and they become one of the funniest and liveliest bands of adventures in any fantasy book on the market.
The Slayers' psychotic comic-relief aside, the love triangle between Felix, Ulrika and Max becomes an interesting element
here, creating a tension nothing to do with orcs, dragons or other monsters. This book is reasonably well-written, but
it is it's character interaction that raises this one up to where you should take notice. It also begins to build tension
about the impending Chaos invasion featured in the next book in the series, which adds a nice dark, impending-doom sort of
5 out of 5
This, the fifth book in the Gotrek and Felix series, covers the siege of Praag by a vast Chaos army. It's largely
the same as the other books in the series, which is to say a mix of good and bad fantasy action. Hopeless sieges have
been a mainstay of fantasy stories since Helm's Deep and I thought King added a novel twist on the convention by making
the entire book into one long protracted siege (making it more true to life than most fantasy sieges too). Basically,
this is a good continuance of the story began in 'Daemonslayer' (that book, this one and 'Dragonslayer' make a nice trilogy
within the series) but adds no revolutionary new elements to the story of Gotrek and Felix. It is good to see the surviving
Slayers in action though, they're endlessly entertaining.
4 out of 5
After the epic adventures in the previous Gotrek and Felix books, 'Vampireslayer' is very much a small scale story.
Gotrek, Felix, Max and Snorri, along with a group of stoic Kislevites, have to track a vampire across the Empire because he
has kidnapped Ulrika. The story is quite well written and manages to be tense and intriguing, as well as maintaining
the usual mindless action and gore. There are some major flaws that hold this book back, though. The most important
is that the vampire Adolphus Krieger is a somewhat substandard villain. He lacks the sheer malevolence of villains such
as Drachenfels (from the Warhammer novel of the same name by Jack Yeovil), but also has none of the seductive charisma
of most vampire characters in contemporary fiction. Krieger basically comes off as an arrogant and irritating rich boy
with a lot of power. Ulrika's transition through the book is interesting in how it changes her, but also frustrating
in her impotence to do anything about it. Generally, this is a decent Warhammer novel, but not nearly up to the standard
of books 3, 4 and 5 of the series.
4 out of 5
This story takes Gotrek and Felix in a slightly different direction as they become embroiled in the twisted magic of
the Paths of the Old Ones, which have fallen under the sway of Chaos. This book's strongest feature is the introduction
of elves to the series, in the form of the High Elf mage Teclis. The racial tension between Gotrek, Felix and Teclis
makes for a fascinating and entertaining three-way sub-plot, as each tries to take the measure of the other two. The
story and prose are of good quality, showing that King's writing has matured greatly since 'Trollslayer', and the natives
of Albion make for an interesting new culture to learn about. The two primary things wrong with this book are that Snorri
and Max are written out far too early on, removing their interesting characters from the interplay, and that, after countless
adventures and seven novels, Gotrek and Felix have not changed at all and seem to have no affection for one another either.
You'd think that after all they've been through, the characters would have forged some kind of bond, but if so, it's not in
evidence here.
4 out of 5
If you liked King:
There are, of course, a great many Warhammer novels out there that share the world of Gotrek and Felix, but above all
others I would recommend the four Genevieve novels by Jack Yeovil, which are of very high quality. For those people
who liked the Kislevite characters, then you should read 'Riders of the Dead' by Dan Abnett, which has an Imperial soldier
trying to get along among a company of Kislevite lancers.
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