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Reviewing Literature
The Books Of Bram Stoker
Born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1847, Abraham Stoker would go on to create one of the most enduring characters ever born
of literature. He earned an honours degree at Trinity College, Dublin, where, as head of the university's Philosophical
Society he met and befriended Oscar Wilde. In 1890 Stoker began taking notes for a gothic novel about Good versus Evil
and in 1897 'Dracula' was published. Without Stoker, Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing would've been unemployed in the
70s and Halloween costumes would be much harder to think of. Word to the wise; don't watch 'Van Helsing', which effectively
rapes Stoker's literature as well as that of Mary Shelley and Robert Louis Stevenson.
Average Review Score: 5 out of 5 (1 book)
My second favourite book of all time and one of only two books that I've ever read twice (the other book on both counts
being 'The Hobbit'), I cannot express properly just how much better off you'll be if you read this book. It is a sad
fact that, thanks to Hollywood mostly, Dracula is a name that no one really takes seriously anymore. This means that
a great number of people turn their noses up at Bram Stoker's masterpiece. Truly their loss. Stoker uses the brilliant
idea of constructing his novel from the various characters' diaries, journals, correspondence and (in the case of one of my
favourite parts) newspaper articles. This means that we as the readers get to read the events of the story through the
very eyes of those in it and, more importantly perhaps, the story builds like a jigsaw puzzle as each character experiences
a different piece. This allows Stoker to build the tension in the story in a way that I've never experienced in any
other book. The characters are wonderfully touching creations too, be it the emotional, but surprisingly strong-willed
Mina, Jonathan Harker, who goes through Hell and returns galvanised, or my favourite (and clearly the author's, since he gives the
character his own name) Abraham Van Helsing. The core of the story involves a disparate group of men finding the
courage and the motivation to confront a power they know may be beyond them and in that sense, 'Dracula' touches upon the
mythological cultural subconscious that would later be exploited by such great storytellers as J. R. R. Tolkien and George
Lucas. As you'll have guessed by the length of this review, I absolutely love this book and can't recommend it enough.
Oh, and as well as not watching 'Van Helsing', I should probably avoid the movie 'Bram Stoker's Dracula' too, because
it trades off all of the book's tension in exchange for a scene with a werewolf raping an attractive woman. Plus they
changed the ending for some reason. Francis Ford Coppola, you bastard.
5 out of 5
'Left Munich at 8.35 p.m. on 1st May, arriving at Vienna early next morning; should have arrived at 6.46, but train was
an hour late.'
If you liked Stoker:
Then there is another much-abused work of 19th century literature that may interest you; the equally immortal 'Frankenstein'
by Mary Shelley.
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